One morning we drove from Kitale, Kenya, to a remote area at the bottom of Mt. Elgon in Kenya to conduct our third Pastors & Leaders Conference during our mission. As we approached the conference site, the road had potholes like craters and rocks like boulders. We didn’t see a church but only could hear a sound as we walked down the hill. However, as we got closer, we knew the sound was Kenyan believers worshipping Jesus together. The tin building with a dirt floor and no signs disguised this powerful gathering. It was full of hungry pastors and leaders ready to be trained. The children would peer in from the outside and watch as we worshiped. Many might have never seen a white person before. We found out some had walked two hours to get there. We were so blessed and honored as we saw God move and mobilize these incredible leaders from this region. They were grateful and hungry regardless of the extreme heat from the tin roof. The planned lunch became supper as the rain poured like a river, and the electricity went out. However, upon the conclusion of this conference, there was a joyous celebration of praise that erupted that couldn’t be stopped by these outside external conditions. Let’s learn from our Kenyan brothers and sisters that our temporary external conditions should not stop our joyous praise. Choosing to praise Jesus will release peace because we take our eyes off the temporary and put our eyes on the eternal one, Jesus!