Pastor Adams shared two pages of powerful testimonies from the leadership conferences in Uganda and Kenya. Here are a couple of exciting testimonies from Pastors in Mt. Elgon, Kenya:

Mt. Elgon is undoubtedly returning to the Lord and God is healing this great land with such a great healing no one has ever witnessed. With the breakthroughs we saw and healing among the pastors in the conference, the Holy Spirit had gone before us to prepare the ground for our churches. We are among Mt Elgon's first generational leaders because the church in this region has only lasted not over 70 years since the Gospel reached this region…This means LifeBridge Mission is raising the first generation of Christian leaders who will align the church for the next generation.”
- Pastor Hellen Taragon, Mt. Elgon Conference Coordinator.

"Mt Elgon is among the most unreached regions in Kenya. There is an excellent need for partnership to enhance the spiritual renewal of this mountain…. There are many hindrances to the spread of the gospel to this region because of the terrain… Most of the pastors that are currently serving in this region lack the resources and training needed. This limits them so much that they feel unable to answer their call for ministry completely. With such training, it has helped our leaders stir up more for Jesus in their community. With the training and the teachings we received for that one-day conference, we are going to take the mountain for Jesus.”
- Pastor Moses